Fuel your inner peace

December 26, 2017

Feeling motivated can sometimes feel daunting and feel like a task on its own. You have to constantly pump yourself up to get into the right frame of mind to believe in yourself.

In the beginning of my journey of staying positive and working through any negative feelings I would have, I would read/watch certain people.
I've also learned that in order to feel motivated and suppress any negative energy, you have to find inner peace.

Going for a walk to clear your mind, exercise, reading a book; these are all ways to get a better sense of clarity to release any negative feelings that lye within you.

What has helped me personally, is reading and watching certain Motivational YouTubers.

One of the books I have been reading is The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. If you are like me, then you sometimes wonder, " Why am I on this earth?" What is your true purpose? This book sums up your questions, and gives you the true meaning of life.

There are a few YouTubers that I watch to help as well. Yes, I do love the occasional Beauty video, but let's focus on Motivation here. 😁

Here is a list of YouTubers that I enjoy watching:

1. Jordan Cheyenne- With her amazing Boss Babe series, she is one to watch to get your financial affairs in order as well as manifesting your dreams into reality. 

2. Amy Schmittauer- If you want to learn how to Vlog like a Boss..then Amy is your girl. She also touches on topics about How to be confident.

3. Gary Vee- Of course what list of Motivators and innovators doesn't include THE Gary Vee! I love how he tells you like it is. Pushing you out of your comfort zone to be the person you deserve to be.

4. Law of Attraction-  I listen to this channel every single morning. It mainly consists of speeches from different Motivational Speakers. It's the best channel to listen to for that early morning pick me up and help you get ready to rock your day.

5. Jake Ducey- Jake is a new YouTuber I stumbled across. He gives you daily motivation and offers tricks to manifest your dreams and goals even while you sleep.

There are others that I follow, but these are my trusty 5 that I gravitate towards every day. Of course you can also watch The Secret ( Upon publishing this post it was available on Netflix).

So I hope this helps you stay on track for your goals and keep you towards the path to the life you deserve. 

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