My life isn't how I thought it would be- So let's change that!

December 18, 2017

Just this morning, I sat outside on my back porch and noticed a tiny frog just sitting in the grass. I watched it sit there for about 10 minutes. It never moved, and quite honestly, thought it was dead. 

But then I noticed something about this little frog. It wasn't dead, it was waiting. Waiting for a fly, or any kind of small flying insect to come its way. Once it did, he opened his mouth and quickly caught the little insect with his tongue. 

As I sat there watching this little frog wait for food to come its way, I thought to myself, dang, this little frog has a lot of patience. He probably would of waited there for a longer period of time, had that little insect not come within those 10 minutes of waiting. 

It's his way of life, he has no other way of catching his food. He must wait, be patient and food will come to him.

This tiny act of survival made me think even more about life as a human. How many times in your life do you want something to happen, we wait for something GOOD to happen, whether it's trying to find happiness with a companion, finding the right job, etc. and we think, my life is not how I thought it would be. So we continue living the way we do, because our minds are programmed to think, " THIS IS IT!"This is how I am meant to live my life. It's too late to change the course of how I would of wanted my life to be. 

But here is where we are wrong. 

We think because we are too old, too young, too fat, too thin or not popular enough, that we can't change how we want and should be living. 

First off my dears, you are never too old, young, fat or thin to start a journey that better prepares you for an abundant future. 

So what if you aren't popular, guess what; if you are popular and you have an attitude and heart of a stone, that popularity will fade fast. People know when someone is pretending to be someone or something they are not, and that soon will come to light. 

You must know in your heart that what you want out of life will be something worth sacrificing for. It's something that you are willing to work your a** off for. You have to have the passion, drive and determination to get what you want and deserve in life. 

So lets learn from this little frog. Sometimes it takes working hard and waiting for that right moment to catch your dream. It takes time, it won't happen overnight. 
Change your mindset, don't think you are done and call it quits and settle. 

God didn't create you to be average, he created you to be strong, diligent and worthy in your own right. 
Will you fail, yes. Everyone fails when they try something new. Will it be easy, hell no. If it was easy, everyone would do it. But what sets you apart is this... when you fail, will you give up? Failure is apart of life, it's what you do next that will determine your success.

Les Brown said it best; "Expectation shows up by behavior".

You can't expect change to happen if you don't work for it. So get out there and do what needs to be done to achieve your dreams, and live the life you deserve! 

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